As the venue of vegetarian shops /restaurant change or seize operations at times, it will be recommended to call and double confirm if the address of the shop/restaurant remain unchanged before patronizing.
由於素食店/餐廳所在地點或營業方麵可能有時候會有所更動 ,建議大家在光顧之前,透過電話詢問加以確認。

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The Truth (Scene) 真相 (短片)

Have Mercy on Animal   悲憫動物 !

The Story behind Egg... 雞蛋背後的故事

Story behind Egg 2... hatchery horror 雞蛋背後的故事2

Why I am a Vegan? 爲什麽我是素食者?

The reasons for not taking The five forbidden pungent roots: garlic, three kinds of onions, and leeks.
[The five forbidden pungent roots, 五葷 garlic, three kinds of onions, and leeks; if eaten raw they are said to cause irritability of temper, and if eaten cooked, to act as an aphrodisiac; moreover, the breath of the eater, if reading the sūtras, will drive away the good spirits.]

The reasons for being vegetarian 

Mercy For Animals' Pro-Vegetarian MTV Commercials

地球告急 -素食救地球 !
Planetary Emergency- Be Vegetarian to save the planet !