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Sharing the [Scene of my Dream] 分享 [我的夢境]

Sharing of [Scene of My Dream]-(Hanging Tongue Hell)
Sharing a dream of mine recently... Photo is attached as closely according to my dream .

  分享 [我的夢] 共勉之(吊舌地獄)

[Dream: I went to the toilet and while pissing found that there are rice and food in the toilet bowl. It makes me feel disgusting to see the food mixed with urine and shit. Suddenly I heard someone coming in, I peep out and saw one adult and a child. The child is undergoing punishment from the adult. His tongue, added with drug and become rotten is being hung up (image which is quite similar as in the attached picture of hanging tongue hell).
In the midst of the punishment the adult said to the child:

" ​Told you not to eat meat, and you still meat! Do not let down your tongue! You have to repent !”

 He is being watched closely and told not to release down the tongue from hanging and to remain in the state of hanging. The adult told him to repent. The child then begin to kneel down and repent obediently facing someone whom I felt is his karmic creditor and start using both of his hand to present some green powder thing to his karmic creditor.]

The scene of the food in the toilet bowl remind me of what Master Haitao has said before that some unfortunate evil ghosts can only “enjoy” the food that come from our urine and shit in the toilet. This scene matches well to what Master Haitao has said before. And also what the child undergo as punishment matches well to the image of “Hanging Tongue Hell”.

This is the sharing of my dream. Hope we can realized that all the punishment of hell can happen on anyone regardless of all ages. The punishment all come from our bad karma. There is no free eating of meat in this world. Let’s all be vegetarian and unplug the seeds of evilness. If there is anyone whom think is hard to forgo craving for meat, then start from eating less meat, pray for Goddess of Mercy (Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva) or  Buddha for help, by having a sincere heart, you can definitely make it progressively to become a vegetarian. Amituofo

{Dedication: May we dedicate the merit of posting and sharing of this piece of dream to all sentient beings and to the child in the dream to be relieve from evil ghost path, relieve of suffering and return to pure land. Amituofo. }

[夢:我在上廁所(上小號)時發現馬桶裡有飯菜,心裡面覺得很噁心因為飯菜和大小便混合在一起。忽然間我聽到有人進來,我偷偷地往外看發現有两個人,一個是大人,一個小孩,那個大人在懲罰小孩,要他舌頭被吊起來 (接近圖片裏的“吊舌地獄”),還放了讓舌頭腐爛的藥物在小孩舌頭上,對小孩說著:


小孩也被監視著不准把舌頭放下來要保持在懲罰中吊起來的狀態。這時小孩乖乖地兩手捧著像青色的粉狀的東西跪下來往前獻給感覺是祂的冤情債主懺悔著 。]


在這裡和大家分享這個夢境供勉之。地獄的懲罰不分男女老幼,都是自己的「業」召感來的。天下真沒有白吃的一塊肉,勸世人吃素吧!把惡的種子拔掉吧!如果還是難斷肉欲之人可以從少吃肉開始,祈求觀世音菩薩或佛菩薩加持,只要[有心] 就能夠得到佛菩薩加持一步一步地達到成爲吃素者的。阿彌陀佛。


Sharing of [the Scene of My Dream]- (Cutting Arm Hell)
Sharing a dream of mine recently... Photo is attached as closely according to my dream .

  分享 [我的夢] 共勉之(鋸手臂地獄)

[Dream: Recently I had a dream. In the dream, I saw a (butcher) undergoing punishment in hell. One uses a long (saw) to cut the butcher’s arm slowly till it drop onto the floor. I could see the torturing face of the butcher…I attached the picture that is close to the scene of my dream. In my dream, long (saw) is being used instead of knife. This is similar to the killing instrument use by slaughterhouse nowadays (see picture). I think the instrument use in hell is similar and advance according to the instrument use in the world now. Of course this is not something good. ]

Hope all of us spare a thought for the butcher who just want to earn for a living end up suffering in hell. Humans want to eat meat, with demand there will be supply. With no demand, there will be no supply and there will be no slaughterhouse, with no slaughterhouse there will be no job available at the slaughterhouse. With no job available at the slaughterhouse there will be no butcher ending in hell. Hope all can truly understand the logic, give up meat and become a vegetarian, start from yourself in becoming a vegetarian and influence the people around you naturally into becoming a vegetarian! Amituofo. Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

{Dedication: May we dedicate the merit of posting and sharing of this piece of dream to all sentient beings and the butcher in the dream to be relieve from evil path, relieve of suffering and return to pure land. Amituofo. } 




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