As the venue of vegetarian shops /restaurant change or seize operations at times, it will be recommended to call and double confirm if the address of the shop/restaurant remain unchanged before patronizing.
由於素食店/餐廳所在地點或營業方麵可能有時候會有所更動 ,建議大家在光顧之前,透過電話詢問加以確認。

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About/Contact 關於我/聯絡

Do welcome all send me {pictures} of good vegetarian place in Singapore you've been, with some slight descriptions so that I can update it in my blog to share with more people to enjoy the convenience and delight of vegetarian diet. And hope the vegetarian shops will also be able to maintain operation of their business. Hope it benefit not only the current vegetarian people but also anyone with the intention, wish or may become a vegetarian.  Very much appreciated. My email is : 
